Welcome to the New blog site for The Well. The Well is a life group/support group for birthmothers, located in Crystal, Minnesota. The group meets the third Thursday of the month from 7-9pm. Childcare and refreshments are provided. The group is currently meeting at Cornerstone Church, 3420 Nevada Ave. No. Crystal, MN 55427, in the Coffee Corner. There is a second group that meets at the same place at the same time in a seperate room, called The Wellstone, this group is for birthgrandparents or other family members looking for "support."
The Well is here to provide a safe environment for birthmothers to connect, share their stories and lives together.
I am Joy, working together with Heather, to bring The Well to as many birthmothers as possible, both personally and online. Heather and I are both birthmothers and we will share our stories in future blogs. At this point I want to welcome you to comment here or to join us in person. I can be reached at 763-232-0487 or TheWell@live.com for conversation or to provide you more information about The Well and The WellStone.